Getting Started

Installing Hightide


You need Java SDK v1.8 to run Hightide. Check your current java installation:

$ java -version

Manual Installation

You can manually download Hightide’s distribution and extract it on your preferred directory. You will need to setup HIGHTIDE_HOME environment variable and add distibution’s /bin directory to your PATH variable.

Homebrew Installation [Mac OS X]

For mac users you can also install Hightide using Homebrew:

$ brew install hightide

Creating your first application

Once you’re done with the installation, check if Hightide is successfully installed using the following command:

$ hightide

You should see something like the following output:

    __  ___       __    __  _     __
   / / / (_)___ _/ /_  / /_(_)___/ /__
  / /_/ / / __ `/ __ \/ __/ / __  / _ \
 / __  / / /_/ / / / / /_/ / /_/ /  __/
/_/ /_/_/\__, /_/ /_/\__/_/\__,_/\___/


You can now create a new Hightide application from Hightide’s shell prompt:

hightide> new mynewapp

or straight from your command line prompt:

$ hightide new mynewapp
NOTE: All Hightide commands can be executed either from Hightide’s shell or command line [1]. More information on Hightide Shell available here

The above command will create a new directory named mynewapp and all necessary files to run a Hightide application, using the default Hightide prototype.

Application prototypes is a very usefull concept and the default way of making a new application in Hightide.

[1]Except the exit command!